F.A.Q. Placements and Traineeships


What is a placement/traineeship experience?
Placements and traineeship experiences are periods of activity during a degree needed to obtain the university credits required by degree course educational regulations.
What is internal placements/education experience?
Internal placements and educational experience are periods of activity carried out inside a Padua University department, centre or service.
What is external placements/traineeship experience?
External placements and traineeship experiences are periods of activity carried out outside Padua University departments, centres or services.
Can I do my placement/traineeship abroad?
Yes, you can do your placement/traineeship abroad. There are no restrictions on country, location or type of tutor. Placements can be carried out outside Europe too with the proviso that dangerous countries according to the criteria and indications supplied by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs must not be chosen (http://www.viaggiaresicuri.it/). Placements and experience can also be done during students' Erasmus or Erasmus Placement periods.
I have found an external body to do my placement/traineeship in. What do I have to do to get started?
To get started students must hand the following in to the Placement and Careers Service office:
•    2 original copies of the placement project: the educational project must be filled in by the student  on his or her reserved area on the placement page, which also contains details on how to fill it out, together with the company tutor (www.unipd.it/stage - information for students – starting placements – reserved area)
•    2 original partnership agreement copies (solely if the organisation is NOT currently a PARTNER): the agreement must be filled in by the company online on the specific reserved area of the placement page, printed in duplicate, signed by the firm's legal representative and an original copy sent or taken to the Placement and Careers Service office (www.unipd.it/stage - information for firms – activating a placement – specific form).
•    a copy of a certificate of successful completion of a workplace safety course https://elearning.unipd.it/serviziosicurezza (Moodle platform). Choose "Placement and educational experience students", click on "placement student training", enter your password and username on the Uniweb system and type in the access key (to be found inside the "Manual for placement and educational experience students").
To find out or check if the organisation is a partner send an email to: alessandra.lighezzolo@unipd.it with the exact name of the organisation.
When do I have to complete the forms to begin my educational placement/traineeship experience?
The paperwork for placements/traineeship experience must be handed in AT LEAST 15 DAYS BEFORE your placement is due to begin.
Those planning to send their forms by post must do so at least 20 days before beginning their placements/experience to the following address:
Università degli Studi di Padova
Placement and Careers Services
Palazzo Storione- Riviera  Tito Livio, 6
35122 Padua
Forms arriving late or after placements have already begun WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
I've found an organisation to do my placement/traineeship experience in but I don't know if the university has a partnership agreement with it. How can I find out if a partnership agreement has already been drawn up with Padua University?
To find out if an organisation has a partnership agreement with the university go to the Placement desk or send an email to the following address alessandra.lighezzolo@unipd.it with the exact name of the organisation and its business address.
The organisation I want to do my experience/placement in is not a university partner. What should I do?
For a new partnership agreement to be drawn up the organisation concerned has to fill in an online form in the reserved area of the placement page (www.unipd.it/stage - information for firms – activating a placement – specific form), print out the PDF generated in duplicate, have it signed by its legal representative and send or deliver it - including via the placement student - to the Placement and Careers Service office.
For placements abroad, the partnership agreement can be downloaded from the Placement page: www.unipd.it/stage - information for students – beginning placements).
I have to do an internal placement/traineeship experience. Do I have to submit an education project in any case?
Yes, the forms always have to be filled in whether your placement is internal or external.
I have to fill in the placement/traineeship experience forms but I don't know what hours to put in the 'company buildings access time frames' section because the company has not specified precise placement hours. What should I do?
You can opt for ‘general' placement hours (for e.g. building opening hours) and indicate 'maximum 8 hours per day' for a weekly maximum of 40 hours per week in brackets (calculated considering 8 hours per day for 5 working days).
I have to modify my placement/traineeship experience working hours from those shown in my placement project. What should I do?
Just send a fax to 049 827 3524 indicating all the placement student's personal details (name, surname, registration number and degree course) and the new placement hours. The fax should be signed by both placement student and tutor.
I have to modify my placement completion date from that shown in my placement project. What should I do?
Just send a fax to 049 827 3524 indicating all the placement student's personal details (name, surname, registration number and degree course) and the new completion date.
The fax should be signed by both placement student and tutor.
Am I covered by insurance during my placement/traineeship experience?
Yes, as set out in every education project, placement students are covered by the following insurance policies:
•    Public liability insurance, policy number no. 320268837, Assicurazioni Generali
•    Accident insurance, policy number no. 320268826, Assicurazioni Generali
For additional information on insurance cover and policies see the following link: http://www.unipd.it/assicurazione
I need to fill in my placement/traineeship experience project but I don't know what is meant by 'tutor appointed by the host organisation'. What should I do?
The 'tutor appointed by the host organisation' is the company tutor who will look after the placement student during his or her placement.
I need to fill in my placement/traineeship experience project but I don't know what is meant by 'university tutor (appointed by the promoting organisation)'. What should I do?
The 'university tutor (appointed by the promoting organisation)' is one of the professors on your degree course chosen by the placement student who approves the placement/experience. Students are advised to contact a professor whose subject is similar to that of the placement/experience.
I need to fill in my training and career orientation project but I don't understand what is meant by 'the host organisation's stamp and signature'. What should I do?
The company in which you are doing your placement/experience must sign and stamp the 'host organisation stamp and signature' section.
I need to fill in my training and careers guidance project but I don't understand what is meant by the 'promoting organisation's signature'. What should I do?
The 'promoting organisation's signature' section should be left BLANK.
Can I send my training and careers guidance project by post?
Yes the paperwork can be sent to the following address:
Università degli Studi di Padova
Placement and World of Work Office
Palazzo Storione, Riviera Tito Livio, 6 35122 Padua
What do I have to hand in once my placement/traineeship experience is complete?
Once you have completed your placement/experience, and at least a week before registration, students must submit the following documents to the Placement Services desk (Dr. Lighezzolo) so that they can be checked and signed by the Placement Service reference person:
•    Register of attendance
•    Company tutor certificate
•    Brief report on the activities carried out
What do I have to do to register the placement/experience in my booklet?
Placements must be registered on Uniweb only during regular examination session periods. Students intending to register credits in their booklets must collect the following documents from the Placement Services desk and hand them in:
•    Placement certificate stamped and signed by the company and the Placement Services desk
•    Final placement report signed by the placement student and by the Placement Services desk
Who registers credits?
Table of teaching staff responsible for credit registration (students are advised to consult the web page of the professor shown):
The organisation in which I will be doing my placement/experience has asked me for a copy of the education project signed by the university. How can I get one?
A copy of the approved education project is always sent by post to the host company directly by the Placement and Careers Service desk.
I completed my placement/experience but never submitted anything to the Placement Service desk. What should I do?
Placements done without submitting the required paperwork WILL NEVER IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES WHATSOEVER BE RECOGNISED. Placement credits will thus not be awarded.
I have already begun my placement/experience but have not yet submitted my training and careers guidance project (initial forms) to the Placement desk. What should I do?
The submission of the placement project AT LEAST 15 days before its start date is MANDATORY. Any placement/experience periods carried out before this will not be recognised.
I have completed my placement/experience but the credits have not yet appeared on my Uniweb online booklet. What should I do?
For credit registration to take place, on completion of placements both initial and final paperwork must be submitted within the deadlines to the Placement Services desk. Registration is not automatic and students must register placements on UNIWEB during examination sessions.
•    Company tutor certificate
•    Register of attendance
•    Request for recognition of work
•    Request for recognition of alternative service