Practical Info on Traineeship and Placement Administrative Activation


Traineeships are started by a Traineeship project form (Progetto formativo), which must be filled in and handed in in duplicate. Information is to be found on this page of the University site: click on "start a placement" and then "reserved area".

Company partnership agreements

Partnership agreement form to be filled in in duplicate and handed in solely for bodies with whom partnership agreements have not been drawn up. For the forms see the link; the link for partnership agreements is:
The documents are to be filled in in duplicate, printed out, signed and handed in before the deadline shown.
Students wishing to begin placements and/or experience abroad must fill in forms in the appropriate language (English, French and German) which can be downloaded from this page of the university site, clicking on "beginning a placement".

Certificate of successful completion of a workplace safety course

See (Moodle platform) and choose "Placement and educational experience students", click on "placement student training", enter your password and username on the Uniweb system, type in the access key (to be found inside the "Manual for placement and educational experience students").

Traineeship experience completion

On completion of educational placements, and at least one week before registration, students must deliver the following documents to the Placements and Careers Services office:
•    register of attendance
•    company tutor certificate
•    brief report on the activities carried out

Placement registration

Placements must be registered in the same way as normal examinations only during regular examination session periods by entering them on Uniweb. Students must enter such credits on their booklets by collecting the signed documents from the Placement Services office and delivering them to their reference teaching staff.
List of teaching staff authorised to register course of study credits.

Recognition of work experience and alternative service

Students wishing to obtain recognition of work experience or alternative service must fill in forms which can be downloaded here and hand them in to the Placement Service office with the attachments shown
•    request for recognition of work experience
•    request for recognition of alternative service

All the above mentioned forms are available for download on the Department web page: ONLINE FORMS.