Personale docente

Elena Canadelli

Professore associato


Indirizzo: VIA DEL VESCOVADO, 30 - PADOVA . . .

Telefono: 049 8278555


  • presso Zoom o presso lo studio della docente, Dipartimento DiSSGeA - Via del Vescovado, 30 - 35141 Padova
    Il ricevimento settimanale si svolge via zoom o presso lo studio della docente al DiSSGeA: Passcode 780727 Si prega gentilmente studentesse e studenti di contattare la docente per email, all'indirizzo email, per concordare la data, l'orario e la modalità.

Elena Canadelli is a Historian of Science interested in visual studies in science, science museum studies, cultures of natural history in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, Italian natural history communities and institutions between nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the history of evolutionary thought and the relationship between science and popular culture during the nineteenth century. Elena’s current research project deals with the history of the botanical collections in Padua and the role of digitization in mobilizing the natural history objects, in connection with her Department’s project “Mobility & Humanities” and the new digitization infrastructure of the Italian National Biodiversity Future Center.
She's Associate Professor in History of Science at the Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche Geografiche e dell'Antichità (DiSSGeA) of the University of Padova. Here she teaches History of Science, Naturalistic Museology, and Museums, Collections, Heritage. Previously, she was Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track Researcher B-Type/Ricercatore di tipo B) in the same Department.
She is Scientific director of the Botanic Museum, University of Padova and member of Spoke 7 Biodiversity and Society. Communication, Education and Social Impact, coordinator of Activity 7 (digitization of Italian natural history collections), National Biodiversity Future Center – NBFC, Italian Ministry of Research.
She has been Editor-in-Chief at Nuncius. Journal of the Material and Visual History of Science and president of the Italian Society of the History of Science (SISS) since 2021.
She is member of the Scientific Committee of the Museo Galileo, Florence. She collaborated also with the National Museum "Leonardo da Vinci" of Science and Technology in Milan with a project on the history of the museum (1930-1964) and with the Muse, the Museum of natural sciences in Trento. She was part of the COST Action - Oceans Past Platform (OPP).
She worked as Researcher On Fixed-Term Contracts (A) at the Polythecnic University of Turin from January 2017 to September 2017. She taught History of Biology at the Biology Department of the University of Milan (2016/2017). In 2009 she held a Ph.D. in History of Science from the University of Pisa. She has been a postdoctoral Research Fellow in History of Science at the University of Milano-Bicocca and at the University of Padova.
She collaborated with the International Research Network “History of Scientific Objects”, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin. From 2003 to 2005 she received a research scholarship of the University of Milano to stay at the Ernst-Haeckel-Haus, Institut für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, Medizin und Technik, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena, Germany.
She is author of several books and articles and she is currently writing a book about how science uses images to be published by the Italian publisher Carocci. In 2019, she edited a volume for the Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press on artefacts, scientific museums and exhibitions along the XX century, available on-line

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Storia del collezionismo e dei musei scientifici; Storia delle scienze della natura e della vita tra Sette e Novecento; Scienza, immagini e immaginario; Storia delle comunità naturalistiche, con particolare riferimento all'ambito italiano; Storia materiale e visuale della scienza

Tesi in Storia del collezionismo e dei musei scientifici; Storia delle scienze della natura e della vita tra Sette e Novecento; Scienza, immagini e immaginario; Storia delle comunità naturalistiche, con particolare riferimento all'ambito italiano; Storia materiale e visuale della scienza.

In particolare storia dell'Orto di Padova e degli erbari.

Il programma e le informazioni per sostenere gli esami di Storia della scienza, Museologia naturalistica e Museums, collections, heritage dei diversi anni accademici sono disponibili nei rispettivi Moodle dei corsi. Si prega gli studenti di controllare Moodle, dove vengono periodicamente caricati materiali e presentazioni delle lezioni.

In caso di dubbi, contattare la docente.