Studies on economy and society aim at analyzing, from a historical point of view, various sectors related to economic development, agriculture, industry and trade; the development of work and enterprises; elites and economic institutions; finance, taxation and wealth redistribution; the history of consumption and material culture.
Professors and researchers who conducted research projects:
Prof. Marco Bertilorenzi
Prof. Andrea Caracausi
Dott. David Celetti
Prof. Giovanni Luigi Fontana
Prof. Elisabetta Novello
Prof. Valter Panciera
Prof. Flavio Raviola
Dott. Francesco Vianello
Research projects:
CARIPARO Starting Grant Project | The economy of excellence. Italian craftsmanship in international networks: traditions, technological innovation and communication strategies (19th - 20th century) | Prof. Giovanni Luigi Fontana | link
Progetto Rita Levi Montalcini | Back to the futures. The economics and the politics of the international commodities market governance during the 20th century | Dott. Marco Bertilorenzi | link
FIRB Project | Maritime borders in the Mediterraneum and permeability: exchanges, control, refoulement (16th - 21st century) | Prof. Andrea Caracausi | link
Progetto Strategico | European and venetian Renaissance | Prof. Andrea Caracausi | link
Centers that were involved in research activities:
Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca e di Servizi Giorgio Lago | Referente Prof. Giovanni Luigi Fontana | link