Macroeconomic models and international policy for Sustainable Development: World Politics, Global Economic Relations and Territorial Management

Obiettivi generali:
The courses will give insights on production, finance and governance as key factors for explaining and planning long-term sustainable development, considering it as one of the key challenges of our lifetime. In the last 30 years, the world’s economy has experienced tremendous changes that created new opportunities, but at the same time exacerbated structural problems of market economies. The information and transport revolution opened the way to globalization, and bought to the market an ever-wider range of products and services. Financial deregulation has opened the way to new investment possibilities, creating opportunities both for emerging and mature economies. Meanwhile the world has seen a sharp rise of inequalities, more than a billion people living in poverty. Extreme environmental transformation put into question existing development paths, and protracted mass-migration challenges the stability of our societies. Economic, sanitarian and political crisis threatens life standards of millions of people. Yet in recent years new models have shown that economic development, poverty reduction, environment and social preservation are actually possible, and can effectively been brought together.
The purpose of the Spring School is to examine the process and mechanism that led those transformations, and to propose to discussion possible alternative models to manage future challenges.
Obiettivi specifici del corso:
Participants will be introduced to the most recent scientific studies on those topics, and will be given instrument to analyse current trend of economic development at regional and national level, and to compare critically diverse development models.
Organizzazione delle attività didattiche:
The School’s organization consists of a 10 days course (50 hours) in English starting on April 17th and of two field works of 5 hours each. Each module will be developed into a framework that will be at once theoretical, methodological, and practical, with a selection of case studies mainly drawn from the Italian national and regional experience.
David Celetti
Sede di svolgimento:
Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche, Geografiche e dell'Antichità
Periodo di svolgimento:
24 aprile - 5 maggio 2023
Università partner:
National Kazakh University KazNU of Almaty (KZ)
Destinatari del corso: